Data Team in Clinical Org
01/27/2022 Compiled by Valmeek Kudesia; accumulated from experience
Everyday, every clinician has the right knowledge, performs the right actions in the right systems to provide the best care for vulnerable individuals
Inform every (clinical) decision and guide every (clinical) action in order to achieve a cohesive Clinical model and best outcome for patients/members and organization
Deliver insights and action guidance for high-value areas that are consumed by org
Maintain on-demand/self-service knowledge service with high adoption as the primary method to inform clinical decisions and guide clinical actions towards a cohesive Clinical model
Cultivate clinician mastery of on-demand/self-service knowledge delivery and data fluency
Deploy focused effort to meet specific high-value needs and thereby expand the capability of self-service knowledge
Cultivate and manage process guardrails for Clinical actions and documentation in systems such that the correct actions and documentation are guided to the correct system
Objectives and Strategy
Deploy cloud-based platforms fit-for-purpose
Generate actionable insights for high-value topics
Deploy programming to promote data-informed & process-guided culture at organization that ensures uptake of insights & action guidance
Hire & retain small team with right portfolio of talents and roles
Raise organization profile in broader tech/DS/healthcare community
Team is 1st High Expectation Customer
Acknowledge current state of healthcare system ➡ complex and unable to fully describe it's own complexity, therefore
Accept that extracted/derived user stories, requirements will always be incomplete
Team must have hybrid clinical + tech expertise ➡ have intrinsic sense of the system "how ought to be" or *could be*
How well our team understands holistic end-state, communicates, builds ➡ the simplifying power of our work vs "tech-enable" the broken
The nature of our team ➡ the nature of our work provided for clinicians
Virtuous cycle (easy, simplifies, perceptive) in team ➡ virtuous cycle for clinicians
Our Team is a “learning place” ➡ learn, make mistakes, ask for help
“Stand for each other” ➡ psychological safety ➡ high-performing-team
Value freedom and responsibility over rigidity
High Value for Green Work
Green Work" - want/ought to do
[[make-the-problem-obsolete]] ➡ reshape tomorrow
Help/teach teammate
Understand own work, team's work, big picture, how future could/ought to be
Simplify the work of our team
Maintain state of "low confusion" and "easy to know" for team
Minimize yellow (must do, for now)
Eliminate/automate red (ought NOT do)
Change Simplifies
Change will always happen
Use each change to find what can stay the same in solution
Solve for change in way that optimizes what can stay the same for the next change thereby [[maximize-the-work-not-done]]
Welcome system-wide design via insight through making that prompt redesign for simplification
Culture in Action
Own Our Time
"Meetings" ≠ right work; sometimes right work needs "meetings"
Evaluate new work as a team
Priority, green-ness, impact on teammates
Use new work ➡ move towards *how things ought to be*
Dedicate time for ([[learning-requires-metacognition]])
Thinking, working, learning, designing
Capture, describe work and actions
Communicate, plan, share knowledge
Employ the [[power-of-stop]]
If confusion, collision, duplication, or opportunity (e.g. growth, simplification) ➡ stop to understand
Stop to understand ➡ call on team ➡ define way forward (including stop doing something)
Stop to traverse [[levels-of-perspective-and-action-modes]]
Stop to understand (green work) ➡ shape facts of tomorrow (green work) ➡ lead change (green work)
Make Knowing Easy
Heavily inspired by Gitlab Handbook
Resist fragmentation: [[frenetic-pace-of-business-false-justification]]
Optimize for easy self-service and easy self-learning; faster we know, the faster we choose wisely
Make easy to know who is doing what, why, waiting on whom
Capture and maintenance of knowledge is "always-on" requirement of every role
Strongly favor work-focused discussions, tasks, knowledge collection performed in view of whole team so that all can learn vs small group
If have question ➡ 1st check documentation; if answer not found or not available ➡ ask in public ➡ document answers or connect to existing answers to pay it forward
If answering question ➡ answer with a link to documentation; pays it forward
Say thanks in public
Team experience and product ➡ is more inclusive; significantly fewer interruptions ➡ more "flow", better designs ➡ more good work
How We Build and Create
Be Transformative
Align actions and solution with how “things ought to be” vs “things are right now”
Lower the threshold for inclusion; within and external to the team
Incrementalism Over Ad-Hoc
Learn everything about our stakeholders’ problems and what is useful
Incrementally meet needs on an-ongoing basis instead of ad-hoc
Make reversible decisions
Iterate deliberately
Minimum Viable Change/Product/Growth Over POC
Focus on what we can control; start with *something*
Start sooner, simpler with less ➡ learn sooner ➡ do better sooner
Strongly favor tangible, smaller solution focused on problem kernel that "aims" toward how "things ought to be" instead of more complete but theoretical elegant solution
See work/product in action, reflection to [[insight-through-making]]
Design for change, failure
First optimize for speed and results, then scale
High Performance Small Team
No costly infrastructure/tooling; heavily favor open source
Operate with the minimum amount of resources; [[maximize-the-work-not-done]]