Service Industry Aspects of Healthcare
02/23/2022 Compiled by Valmeek Kudesia
End-to-End Healthcare is A Service
80% non-medical factors determine outcome
Individual's ability to influence, participate, expectations
Satisfaction based on individual's experience
Service must be reworked if unsatisfactory per individual or outcome (see value demand vs failure demand in healthcare)
People present to healthcare system with variation that is inherent to the reality of the customer
Cumulative effects of past experiences, treatments, or lack thereof
System cannot exert "up-stream quality control" to discard individuals before intake, like manufacturing. Imagine scenario:
Car factory cannot exert quality control upon size of doors received from upstream supplier
Cars produced at end of line must fit standard specifications or must be reworked (see value demand vs failure demand in healthcare)
System cannot "recover" prior state of individual before intake
Individual customer themselves are input into production process (not just design/intake)
Need role that customer can honestly fill see customer-based or service-demand variety
Individual's ability to carry-out role is varied
System cannot pre-manufacture services or hold services in inventory; always triggered by demand i.e. [[pull-system]]
Goal of system is to "absorb" variety inherent to individual, not ignore inherent variety and frustrate the individual
"Absorb" = perceive need of individual + meet need + release constraints from system itself e.g. sunk costs