Data to Consumed Insight: Clinical Context
01/31/2022 Collected and organized by Valmeek Kudesia; based on real experience
Conceptual System
Builds upon the fundamental design principle for healthcare
Engages power of insight through making and basis for "flywheel effect"
Allows the organization to follow steps toward data-informed culture, removal of wrong work, addition of right work
Enables visibly better performance of the role and alignment to desired clinical identity
Prioritizes data-informed benefits to roles with most daily direct impact to patients/members
Implements data omnivorous platform
Red arrow, outline, text denote essential components or data, which may not be available in traditional sources e.g. which clinical/staff role "should act" vs "should know" and "what matters" to each role
"Analysis-based" enrichment e.g. CMS-HCC risk scoring
"Rule-based" enrichment e.g. definition of polypharmacy
Methodology Principles
Based upon user-centered design. Recall, characteristics of an enabling environment, particularly in clinical context
Start with Desired Identity
Build foundation of identity and behavior of clinical organization
Pursue Desired Identity via Design
Reinforce link between designed data and technology solution and new mental models to
Visibly better performance in the role
Design for failure and adaptation thereafter
Participants' view of themselves and purpose will undergo progression as they are enabled by data and technology solution, therefore
Correct design requires learning from iteration and failure (both participants and data/tech experts)
Be ready for insight through making e.g.
First, enhanced visibility of "patients that need me"
Second, mirror or enhance existing capability "what I do for patients who need me"
Third, new relationships or actions in "what else could I do for patients who need me?"
Identify What to Avoid
Recall, any system performing well despite overwhelming complexity will have many hidden processes and dependencies
Recall, Conway's Law and most visible demand will be "Failure Demand", which distorts the true need and opportunity
Listen very closely to "what" is the desired goal or outcome
Observe very closely "how" the desired goal or outcome is pursued in order to confidently avoid the same avoid traps
Don't Solve the Problem, Make the Problem Obsolete
Initially, there will be many "tasks", "needs" - think of these as work "demands" upon a system
Primary goal - remove work demands that never should have existed i.e wrong work or failure demand
By itself will allow "right work" to manifest itself
Identify associated activities, processes, mental-models that must stop or else "improvements" will be seen as "extra work" vs the "right work"
Secondary goal - make easier work that that should exist i.e. right work or value demand
characteristics of an enabling environment, particularly in clinical context
at most %50 of appropriate tasks or needs will be described at the start
at minimum 50% of described tasks or needs described at the start will be "complexity-accommodating" and will reinforce distortion
Primary Goal - Remove wrong work; this by itself will allow "right work" to manifest itself
Engage each task or need with the following approach
"This task or need will be eliminated in the following way....."
Failing above, "This task or need could be eliminated in the following way..."
Failing above, "This task or need is made simpler and easier in the following way..."
For each remaining task or need, imagine the scenario where a licensed role was physically prevented from performing any action NOT directly related to license and then engage each task or need in the following approach
"This particular licensed role will NOT be physically prevented from performing this task or need because...."
For each task or need that fails above, return to step 1.1 above to eliminate the task or need
Data-Ops Philosophy
Idea/need →zero-latency→ valuable charts/models (literally)
Draws from manufacturing eng → nimble high-output “data factory”
"Dev-ops" for data / automated factory for data
Pioneered by Airbnb, Netflix, FAANG etc
Relentless resilient automation + statistical process control
Concurrent automated testing + development
Self-organizing with intense collaboration
Data scientists, engineers, analysts, and IT
Data-Ops General Practices
Add data and logic tests as part of routine
Use a version control system
Branch and merge
Use multiple environments
Reuse and container-ize
Parameterize processing
Work without fear and innovate i.e [[drive-out-fear]]
Power a learning organization resulting in [[remove-causes-failure-better-job-with-less-effort]]