Virtual Value Stream Progression

02/02/2022 Compiled by Valmeek Kudesia

Enabling Functions of Data and Technology aka Virtual Value Stream


Collect relevant data and information


Arrange gathered information and data to facilitate retrieval and analysis


Analyze data and information to add value to customers

Organizations develop better ways of serving customers, product delivery etc using information


Organizations reassemble data and information in new meaningful ways

Data and information available in desired format


Data and information delivered to end user in desired format

Typical Org Progression with Data and Technology

  1. Enhanced visibility of existing actions and work

  2. Mirror existing capability to perform action and work

  3. Define new customer relationship, services, actions, work, and products

Progression in Clinical Context

  1. Enhanced visibility of "patients that I know need me"

  2. Mirror or enhance existing capability "what I do for patients who I know need me"

  3. New relationships or actions in "what else could I do for patients who need me or which other patients need me?"


Jeffrey F. Rayport and John Sviokla. Exploiting the Virtual Value Chain. HBR 1995