Recurrent Questions for Data in Healthcare
01/25/2022 Compiled by Valmeek Kudesia; accumulated from >10 years experience; more distillation likely possible
Patient or Member Level
Who is this patient (pt) or member (mbr)?
Where is this pt or mbr?
What is important to this pt or mbr?
What care or services does this pt or mbr need now?
delivered by org vs outside org
What is the most efficient way to deliver care or services?
How quickly has this pt or mbr received care or services?
What care or services has this pt or mbr received?
What is the quality of care or services received?
What care or services is this pt or mbr likely to need?
What is the most meaningful* care/service for this pt or mbr?
How is this pt or mbr vs potentially similar pt or mbr?
Where does this pt or mbr receive care or services?
What is the fit of this pt or mbr to assigned model of care?
What is the likely best model of care for this pt or mbr
What happens to this pt or mbr?
What is the cost of pt or mbr care or services?
What is the likely future cost of care or services?
Who ought to do an action?
Who or what discipline is most important right now?
Who is accountable for the outcome?
Who is responsible for an action?
Population or Health Plan Level
Who are organization’s patients (pts) or members (mbrs)?
Where are pts or mbrs?
What care or services do pts or mbrs need now
delivered by org vs outside org
What care or services do pts or mbrs receive?
How quickly do pts or mbrs receive care or services
What is the quality of care or services received?
What care or services are pts or mbrs likely to need?
Do pts or mbrs receive meaningful* care or services?
Do pts or mbrs receive unexpected care or services?
Where do pts or mbrs receive care or services?
What is the fit of pts or mbrs to assigned model of care?
What happens to pts or mbrs?
What is the cost of pts or mbrs care or services?
What is the likely future cost of care or services?
Org Level
Are the right people doing the right job?
What is the status of routine functions?
What is the status of initiatives?