Value Demand vs Failure Demand in Healthcare
02/23/2022 Compiled by Valmeek Kudesia
Failure Demand
"Extra" work-load (re-work) upon a system that arises because the system did not meet the needs of a person from the system's initial attempt e.g.
repeat trips to an emergency department for an infection, because
a person was unable to obtain the correctly prescribed antibiotics to treat the infection, because
the person did not have reliable transportation to a pharmacy following the first emergency room visit
escalation of chronic illness requiring hospitalization, because
a person did not receive correctly ordered and authorized home services that would stabilize chronic disease, because
the person was unable to navigate scheduling system for home services
Value Demand
Work-load upon a system that within the system's initial attempt:
correctly perceives the person's needs
meets the person's needs
meets the person expectations
Variety vs Complexity
Implies unnecessary variation in tasks or objects e.g.
Different sizes of the same fabric entering a JIT process that makes gloves for people who are in cold temperatures
Adds more cost, time to the process of making and delivering highly sought after item, gloves
Variation inherent to the reality of needs e.g.
people have differently sized hands; however, each person has same size hands day over day
people have different subjective perception of cold at a given temperature, which will affect a person's need for gloves; however, each person has mostly same subjective cold perception day over day
temperature may change day-to-day and affect many people's need for gloves
Inability to Accommodate Variety ⇨ Failure Demand
Instructive Scenario
Glove Factory
Staffed by people dedicated to prevent suffering from cold
Standardized (in name of efficiency, quality, scale)
Single size of glove
Single thickness of glove
Discouraged from accommodating inherent variation in people who require gloves
Continue to have
Variation in hand sizes
Variation in perception of cold
Variation in ambient temperature
Likely Outcome
Glove Factory
Repeat visits from people suffering from cold
Tries desperately to match demand for gloves
Observes [mismatch supply]-driven failure demand
Sometimes injures workers or people who need gloves
Often burns-out skilled and dedicated workers
Who don't "feel cold" won't buy gloves (maybe get frostbite)
Who feel cold and have larger/smaller hands
Consume many gloves in hopes of better fit ⇨ still feel cold
Still feel cold ⇨ more visits to glove factory ⇨ frustration
If skill/means ⇨ modify gloves ⇨ do not feel cold
Temperature changes ⇨ people to purchase or discard gloves
System cannot meet variety inherent to reality
i.e. people have different sized hands
System makes attempt:
Delivers mismatch to true need
Stimulates customer return
Original need unmet or increased
"Failure Demand"
(i.e system and customer vicious cycle)
System Flow
Failure Demand and Value Demand from individual patient flow through healthcare system
Note "Considerations for Innovation" in system flow
Note caution re observed work from data to consumed insight in clinical context because most work that is visible will be Failure Demand